51- It was only used when extreme accuracy was needed that justified the cost.

52- In essence, points within ? of x approximate x to an accuracy of degree ?.

53- Leg injuries result in a limp, and arm injuries result in loss of accuracy.

54- The inaccuracy of the weapons necessitated large groups of massed soldiers.

55- In most cases, some corrections are omitted, sacrificing accuracy for speed.

56- Such information had never before been obtained with even tolerable accuracy.

57- Training could also be completed to improve the accuracy of speech recognition.

58- Charles Kemble 's 1823 production made a serious effort at historical accuracy.

59- Dr. Leavitt did not vouch for the accuracy of the facts assumed in the reports.

60- 955748 Cotto's performance was described as a result of hand speed and accuracy.

61- A pitch indicator displays the singer's accuracy relative to the original pitch.

62- The precision-made pipettor tips provide excellent reproducibility and accuracy.

63- It boasts higher empirical accuracy than other algorithms with several problems.

64- The large size of the machine is necessary to maintain accuracy of pitch control.

65- But Gerhardt's discovery of a copy made by Leibniz tends to confirm its accuracy.

66- It compensates for its low velocity and lack of accuracy with its high firepower.

67- One inaccuracy in the movie surrounds Liddell's refusal to race in the 100 metres.

68- A mismatched selection will result in velocity variations, which cause inaccuracy.

69- Most applications running under WINE have not been fully tested for color accuracy.

70- Offered qualities with auxiliary mapping Increasing accuracy means increasing cost.

71- The required accuracy of the ratio increases with the amount of time to be measured.

72- Events provide lighthearted competition, rating accuracy, speed, distance and style.

73- Thus, the historical accuracy of the song declined with the widening of the time gap.

74- It, like virtually all German rocket designs, was spin-stablized to increase accuracy.

75- Allegations about accuracy The accuracy of some claims in this book are questionaqble.

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