51- Life - style recreational sports - creative thinking adroit application, and striving for easiness, simplicity and interestingness.

52- He handled the situation adroitly.

53- He soon became adroit at steering the boat.

54- But China's state - owned enterprises seem less adroit at exploiting those assets.

55- She became adroit at dealing with difficult questions.

56- A mix of live action and CG animation, the story starts in the Middle Ages, when the maladroit sorcerer Gargamel (Hank Azaria) finally discovers the location of Smurf Village.

57- Using datawindow adroitly is important for a PowerBuilder programmer.

58- As we ate mushrooms and lima beans, our questioning resumed. Chou replied adroitly.

59- Life - style recreational sports - creative thinking adroit application, and striving for easiness, simplicity and interestingness.

60- He is adroit in handling machinery.

61- They were remarkably adroit in their cultivation of the foreign press.

62- He adroitly avoided answering my questions.

63- In Chinese free - style verse , modernism is adroit at creating images.

64- Both parties are unhappy about the maladroit handling of the whole affair.

65- A bothersome creature, willing, cheerful, purposeful, maladroit.

66- The bat adroit replying, twice saved herself from dying.

67- Lula : That Johnnie is digit adroit detective. You undergo how clever?

68- The journey's scarcely begun when he discovers a stowaway: Russell, a chubby, maladroit Wilderness Explorer Scout who's out to earn his Elderly Assistance Badge.

69- These adjectives are compared as they refer to mental adroitness or to practical ingenuity and skill.9) The reason is this kind of operation requirement doctor adroitness masters celiac mirror technique, and operation expenses is groovier the operation is expensive.

70- He exploited the space in an echo sonata for three violins by Marini, a charming interlude, adroitly dispatched.30. The older man plays an accordion, and the younger one plays a tin whistle in the musical interlude.adroitly dispatched.

71- The adroit prosecutor arranged his questions with admirable finesse.

72- My dad were specially adroit at making tiny hand - painted ortitlents.

73- Asking one adroit question after another, Rhoda soon drew out the key facts about him.

74- Out of which maladroit delay sprang anxieties, disappointments, shocks, catastrophes, and passing-strange destinies.

75- They are highly efficient and especially adroit at cutting out excessive steps and cumbersome procedures.

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