26- I think you handled the conflict adroitly , and that includes your response to the commenter.

27- This they adroitly managed, killing 200 Royal Army troops and capturing 2,400 more by 13 January.

28- But it has already been made both bland and left-wing because the left has used boycotts so adroitly .

29- The changes work fine for dramatic purposes , and Nair adroitly manages the tension between talk and action.

30- These he called "idols," and they have been unmasked even more adroitly by modern semantics.

31- This textbook in multivariate calculus introduces the exterior algebra of differential forms adroitly into the calculus sequence for colleges.

32- With co-creation, a company adroitly ingrains their offering into consumer life and harnesses and appropriates their particularized ingenuity.

33- The idea for such a portrait was hatched by the Surrealist painter Salvador Dali and adroitly executed by Halsman.

34- He welcomed changes in the life of the University and of the Department in adroitly phrased verse and limericks.

35- Heller defended himself adroitly , but the commission's verdict was that Heller be sentenced to hard labor in prison.

36- The juggle with phone and gearstick was impossible, and adroitly Belinda took the receiver while he controlled the car.

37- Often malicious and untruthful, they take pride in their ability to wield the kris adroitly against their personal enemies.

38- The monk, assisted by the artful Moncade, adroitly mingled together the pope's deliverance and Catherine's marriage.

39- However, Playford dealt with the independents adroitly and went on to secure a one-seat majority at the next election.

40- The two adroitly managed the Bugs and Meyer Mob with its reputation as one of the most violent Prohibition gangs.

41- The Vitaphoned songs and some dialogue have been introduced most adroitly.

42- As a combination of union and political party, it adroitly brought together national and international elements.

43- Firm establish object - oriented concept and process designing thought, master the basic method that OO devises adroitly.

44- He displayed the cigarette holder grandly on every occasion and had learned to manipulate it adroitly.

45- He exploited the space in an echo sonata for three violins by Marini, a charming interlude, adroitly dispatched.

46- Bush has become embroiled in destructive skirmishing at home even as his aides maneuver adroitly to avoid pointless battles abroad.

47- He handled the situation adroitly.

48- Using datawindow adroitly is important for a PowerBuilder programmer.

49- As we ate mushrooms and lima beans, our questioning resumed. Chou replied adroitly.

50- He adroitly avoided answering my questions.

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