26- He advanced his departure by two days.

27- He was advanced to the rank of general.

28- Her notions were what is called advanced.

29- His notions were what is called advanced.

30- Our teacher advanced the date of the exam.

31- The manager advanced him two weeks' wages.

32- Some animals have advanced far ahead of others.

33- His advanced age prevents him from getting a job.

34- The squirrel advanced against the strong wind.

35- Scottadvanced countries must give aid to developing countries.

36- Japan is ahead of other advanced countries in electronics.

37- The index advanced to .

38- , up % from the preceding month.

39- His ideas were too far advanced to be accepted by ordinary people.

40- Japan is perhaps the most technically-advanced nation in the world.

41- Since the war, Japan has advanced greatly in science and technology.

42- He has enrolled in an advanced painting class in order to improve his craft.

43- The blue grammar text is advanced, the black intermediate, and the red basic.

44- The local university offers ESL classes for intermediate and advanced students.

45- Kory is an intermediate skier at best, so he shouldn't go on the advanced runs.

46- The books in our ESL library are categorized into beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

47- Toyota's newest sports car boasts the most advanced automotive technology in the world today.

48- Japan is presently more technologically advanced than China, but China is catching up quickly.

49- The symptoms of some kinds of cancer do not actually appear until the disease is in an advanced stage.

50- Arthur C.

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