26- In an environment of lowered stress even staunch adversaries find ways to work together, cooperate and overcome long-standing differences.

27- The possibility of such cyberattacks by U.S. adversaries has been widely known, but never confirmed publicly by the nation's top cyber official.

28- 725335 The imminent conclusion of hostilities raises issues about the status of war captives, with adversaries traditionally exchanging prisoners.

29- 'Long-term players will become stealthier information gatherers, while newcomers will look for ways to steal money and disrupt their adversaries.'

30- The five commanders under Bane's command are powerful adversaries.

31- The adversaries met at the bridge of Lussac, where the battle began.

32- These Roman techniques repeatedly defeated their Germanic adversaries.

33- No player is allowed to loiter between the ball and the adversaries' goal.

34- Its principal use is to strike at adversaries outside of his sword's range.

35- I had heard that our adversaries over the way had attempted to appropriate it.

36- This results in frustration for his adversaries who can see right through him.

37- Lakhan informs the mystery lady about the adversaries Chandan has in his own house.

38- She used the minimum of force needed, but did not hesitate to scare her adversaries.

39- The Hornets often flew only a few feet from their adversaries, ready to shoot if need be.

40- Its function was described as a weapon which sprays gas or smoke to distract adversaries.

41- As her main offensive weapon, she teleports and blasts firepits energy at her adversaries.

42- Stein portrays brilliantly the tense confrontations between Anna and her (female) adversaries.

43- Their strategy was to inflict more casualties on their adversaries than they themselves suffered.

44- Despite his drunken state and two bullet wounds, Lovett quickly jumped up to face his adversaries.

45- Weapons may also be used, as Taekwondo has specific techniques for dealing with armed adversaries.

46- The common reference to it has become Boulangisme, a term used by its partisans and adversaries alike.

47- He guessed, correctly as it turned out, that this would lead to a split between his liberal adversaries.

48- Allies and adversaries After her father's death, Helena moved out of the manor and into a Gotham City apartment.

49- They are vicious and ruthless adversaries, and their acidic bile can work its way under the heaviest armor with ease.

50- The Napoleonic Wars saw the Royal Navy reach a peak of efficiency, dominating the navies of all Britain's adversaries.

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