51- So far there has not been a single adverse event or complaint from a GP or a patient.

52- Also, heat and incandescent lights can, in some circumstances, have an adverse effect.

53- Southern Indiana, however was adversely affected by the war and never fully recovered.

54- Furthermore, the frequency of the common mode voltage can adversely affect performance.

55- Some studies indicate that the radiation has had an adverse effect on birds in the area.

56- Risk :;A risk :A risk is the possible occurrence of the adverse consequences of an event.

57- The judgment contains several adverse observations on the evidence and CBI investigation.

58- The entire plant, including the sap, is toxic, and any part can cause an adverse reaction.

59- Revelation of his origins after his death adversely affected his reputation for some time.

60- These adverse drug reactions result in an estimated economic cost of $136 billion per year.

61- SLC-6 also features a Mobile Assembly Shelter that protects the rocket from adverse weather.

62- Miranda warns Andy that if she declines, it could adversely affect her future job prospects.

63- The law makes it nearly impossible for consumers to appeal adverse decisions by arbitrators.

64- During this period, Whale rescued 15 downed aviators, saving several under adverse conditions.

65- Hundreds of thousands of people were adversely affected by the destruction and fallout of war.

66- Yet, it should be noted such pleading would be met by the adverse party's strong rejoinder" (pp.

67- adverse weather conditions affecting either qualifying session impacted the final, aggregate time.

68- 33. is said to have made the River Garnock change its course and follow another "adverse to nature".

69- Bear Lake Road is open year round, though it may close temporarily due to adverse weather conditions.

70- These materials caused deployment problems due to their susceptibility to adverse weather conditions.

71- Caregiver traumatization adversely impacts young children's mental representations of self and others.

72- VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects.

73- The move took longer than expected due to adverse weather conditions, which included lightning warnings.

74- It has evolved to help insects respond to adverse environmental conditions by delaying their development.

75- Vera was an active campaigner against developments that could adversely affect what she called ‘my river'.

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