51- State registered investment advisory firms usually have annual compliance requirements.

52- It is purely advisory and alternative asset management.

53- The advisory committee began to bring forward key projects.

54- Other interpretations are strictly advisory in nature.

55- The section conferences are a merely advisory body.

56- The area agency shall establish an advisory council.

57- There are three advisory type services provided at selected airports.

58- Management should support interested advisory and support groups.

59- An advisory group recommended extending the closure.

60- There are nine advisory councils and boards.

61- The tennis team has enjoyed moderate success under his advisory .

62- Executive officials shall treat such guidelines as advisory .

63- The advisory committee shall meet at least twice annually.

64- A statewide advisory committee helps coordinate these activities.

65- He also held several important advisory and committee positions.

66- And sensible changes in this advisory system seem possible.

67- A statewide advisory committee is being formed to rewrite the plans.

68- They are regarded as advisory rather than mandatory.

69- We will improve consumer representation on government advisory committees.

70- Such advisory services can accessed directly via the website.

71- The establishment of energy advisory and environmental bodies.

72- This includes amounts you pay for investment advisory services.

73- It is therefore referrals from local accountants and advisory firms.

74- It was supported by an expert advisory group.

75- Stop focusing the advisory staff on selling business.

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