1- No distinction is made between losses due to agriculture and afforestation .

2- Among the solutions that may be offered is afforestation .

3- Efforts have also been made with afforestation projects.

4- That document mentions King John's afforestations .

5- This type of afforestation is generally known as agroforestry.

6- afforestation projects in developing countries can also be credited.

7- An excellent video especially the link between the agriculture revolution and afforestation .

8- Throughout the country, afforestations undertaken by Henry II were reviewed.

9- Due to massive afforestation efforts, this fact echoed in diverse campaigns.

10- The early JNF was active in afforestation and reclamation of land.

11- Johnes undertook an extensive afforestation on the estate.

12- Both forest management and afforestation are responsible for direct and indirect environmental change.

13- The projects include afforestation , reforestation and implementation of clean fuels technology.

14- afforestation is a major threat to this habitat and should be discouraged.

15- Forest officer M N Joshi spoke about the novel afforestation attempt.

16- Coastal afforestation needs to be initiated promptly to avoid catastrophes in coastal region .

17- The bogs are threatened by grazing, turbary, burning and afforestation .

18- Water yield as well as water quality is affected by afforestation and reforestation.

19- Historically the greatest decline has occurred through agricultural intensification, afforestation and commercial peat extraction.

20- In the past, most afforestation has been carried out in the uplands.

21- Deforestation is, however, occurring at a much more rapid rate than afforestation .

22- Without doubt, Thomas Johnes was the pioneer of upland afforestation in Wales.

23- One reason to consider ecosystem restoration is to mitigate climate change through activities such as afforestation .

24- All three lakes are very acid sensitive and therefore vulnerable to afforestation within their catchment areas.

25- With current interest in afforestation it is timely to consider how afforestation might affect groundwater.

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