1- The riot police beat back the crowd with batons during the brief affray.

2- Juvenile, age 15, Eastman, one count affray and one count disorderly conduct.

3- He was detained on suspicion of affray and possession of an offensive weapon.

4- Piper Jaffray and JP Morgan were the most bullish with price targets of $800.

5- The lower gasoline prices are certainly helping right now, said Piper Jaffray's Keith.

6- The police were contemplating bringing charges of riot and affray .

7- The activists were charged with criminal damage and affray .

8- affray is also a common law offence.

9- Heath admitted harming her and affray and got 18 months probation.

10- F was charged with wounding with intent and affray .

11- A savage war ensued whose devastation far exceeded the affray of 70.

12- Police arrested two men on suspicion of affray .

13- Lowe is also charged with causing an affray .

14- Waller and Fay deny murder, affray and wounding.

15- Cyril instigated the feud , Cyril directed the affrays .

16- Such protests were quite common and sometimes led to disorder and affrays .

17- Student Fay, 22, was cleared of wounding and affray .

18- It created other offences - violent disorder, affray and threatening behaviour.

19- The boxer, of Walworth, denies affray charges.

20- This resulted in the Wairau affray , where 22 settlers died.

21- The French only lost one killed and five wounded in the affray .

22- Mason now faces a re-trial on the wounding and affray charges.

23- During this affray , a member of the friendly attacking force was wounded.

24- Mr Jones pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm with criminal intent and affray .

25- Officers laid 966 charges for a variety of offences including assault and affray .

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