1- also wouldn't run afoul of FCC limits on acquiring certain airwaves, the company said.

2- 'We still believe in giving a second chance to individuals who have run afoul of the law.

3- The CBC indicated in a statement on Tuesday night that Solomon had run afoul of the policy.

4- Drew Barnes Cypress-Medicine Hat MLA Drew Barnes has also run afoul of the party's leadership rules.

5- This is also not the first time the comedian has run afoul of the law due to offensive subject matter.

6- What is unique, though, is the constant prospect of running afoul of the law.

7- Similar arrangements have kept schools from running afoul of anti-discrimination violations.

8- In later years, while traveling on the Great Lakes, Lincoln's ship ran afoul of a sandbar.

9- While writing in Virginia City, Twain ran afoul of a rival journalist, who insisted on a duel.

10- Ironically, as Corey's politics turned against his Stalinist beliefs, he ran afoul of the Federal prosecutors.

11- While far from perfect man, Kennedy ran afoul by opposing the very forces that took over after his death.

12- Yuri proved to be an able soldier, but a difficult person and he soon ran afoul of his wife.

13- The company 23andMe ran afoul of regulators because it was telling people what diseases they might be predisposed to.

14- Jadids publishing in Turkestan also sometimes ran afoul of their Russian censors, who viewed them as potentially subversive elements.

15- Such contemporary composers as the Russian Igor Stravinsky and Béla Bartók were tolerated until they ran afoul of Nazi politics.

16- The administration of UR's third President, Dr. Clarence Howe Thurber, soon ran afoul of ultra-conservative churches.

17- Due to differing social norms, the content of these comics are sometimes censored or ran afoul of Canadian customs officials.

18- Pre-enlistees who ran afoul with the law and sentenced to Changi Prison are never released back into Singapore Armed Forces.

19- Ironically, these public-private efforts often took the form of local processing requirements which ultimately ran afoul of the commerce clause.

20- Then Titian fell out with another student, ran afoul of the school administration, left school and never went back.

21- Because of this he ran afoul of the prevailing climate of opinion and in the end acquired a name for evil.

22- She has been pursuing it for a while and finally encounters him in Japan and ran afoul of Miyu and Larva.

23- He was fifteen when he first ran afoul of the law.

24- He was fifteen when he first ran afoul of the law.


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