1- I was agreeably surprised by the low prices.

2- The colors of the walls contrasted somewhat disagreeably with those of the carpeting.

3- agreeably , a habitual fornicator (the one who engages in regular pre-marital sex) eventually becomes an addicted adulterer or adulteress .

4- They felt agreeably cold in my hands.

5- He's brought the soda perfectly agreeably .

6- Working on your plan agreeably might involve compromise in certain areas.

7- Heaven heard, and answered agreeably to thy wishes.

8- Music plays, flags flap, all agreeably patriotic.

9- With these we should agree to disagree agreeably .

10- Many of these bacteria live agreeably with your body.

11- Two days could not possibly have been spent better or more agreeably .

12- His father nodded agreeably and settled his hat back on his head.

13- Thus the night passed agreeably away.

14- The four tall brothers walked in stooped silence but their wives chatted agreeably .

15- The Kentucky Post Covington, more and more agreeably .

16- Putting aside relationship issues to co-parent agreeably can be fraught with stress.

17- Maybe we'll just have to disagree agreeably about this one.

18- Tina Fey has made her mark in roles that are agreeably human-scaled .

19- On this and every morning Aunt Tossie greeted Nicandra most agreeably .

20- He had expected a storm of tear and reproach, but was agreeably mistaken.

21- I grunted agreeably , because I'M ALL MAN or whatever.

22- O UR TRAVELERS SPENT the first day very agreeably .

23- PAMELA: You rally my folly very agreeably , but I like Monday best.

24- Even Laurence was agreeably surprised.

25- He talked very familiarly, but agreeably , and glanced over a variety of subjects.

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