1- The Slovenian kozolec has grown from being a simple agrarian tool into a symbol of national pride.

2- The victims of agrarian violence were frequently Irish land agents , middlemen, and tenants.

3- These disturbances and uprisings were agrarian unrest.

4- The cost of agrarian reform was high.

5- It cruises slightly elevated above the surrounding agrarian land.

6- Do succession patterns differ according to agrarian social class?

7- In 1906 two agrarian movements were founded.

8- Punjab shows a predominantly agrarian economy having a poor industrial output.

9- The government also conducted an agrarian reform.

10- It brought economic freedoms and agrarian and legal reform.

11- The disaster also increased calls for agrarian reform.

12- He used the newfound security to undertake agrarian reforms.

13- This led to increase of agrarian production.

14- Greater degrees of social stratification appeared in agrarian societies.

15- So the outline agrarian law policy was the right policy?

16- Some were agrarian in focus, others industrial.

17- Meanwhile, agrarian rebellions continued to rise.

18- Hunter-gatherer tribes settled around seasonal food stocks to become agrarian villages.

19- Kolchak's agrarian policy was directed toward restoring private land ownership.

20- Árbenz began promoting agrarian reform soon after becoming President.

21- But agrarian diversity and its use are acutely endangered.

22- Being agrarian society there was no other economic activity.

23- The main problem of Serbian civic politics was the agrarian reaction.

24- This is the agrarian and feudal phase of society.

25- The agrarian production in Chile contracted from 1950 onwards.

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