51- The 19th century was marked by the closure of the Sülze saltworks in 1862 and by comprehensive agrarian reforms.

52- These goals put him at odds with the Federalists, and with some of the more conservative and agrarian Republicans.

53- Although the economic results of agrarian reform were disappointing, the social conditions of most farmers improved.

54- They are nomadic hunting and gathering, rural agrarian, urban, commercial, industrial and post-industrial societies.

55- The more the armed resistance drew the peasants to its side, the less agrarian products they delivered to the Germans.

56- To succeed the business class had to remove the old ruling agrarian class of Southern planters and Midwestern farmers.

57- Faculty of agrarian Sciences Faculty of agrarian Sciences was born in 1954 together with the founding of the university.

58- This allowed wealthy landowners to increase their power and to ensure the continuation of an agrarian-dominated economy.

59- Current enrollment is approximately 2400. The community is largely agrarian with a few small- to medium-sized manufacturers.

60- He asserts that ideas of monogamy developed only with concepts of property that were necessary for an agrarian society to mature.

61- This agrarian society functions simply because the people find pleasure in nature, and therefore they find pleasure in their work.

62- The trail then alternates between river side woods and agrarian settlements.

63- Zadruga was primarily an agrarian community greatly dependent on natural resources.

64- Halweil calculates productivity at 1000 per cent more for agrarian farms.

65- Pineapple and rubber plantations are the common agrarian efforts.

66- agrarian kingdoms had agriculture as the main economic activity.

67- Economy of the District is agrarian in nature.

68- They settled to an agrarian life, supplemented by cattle grazing.

69- Currently, its use in agrarian daily life is rapidly disappearing.

70- Yet if one compares these two essentially agrarian communities in temporal terms, the situation is reversed.

71- The centre of the U.S. economy shifted from the agrarian areas to the industrial centres in the north.

72- A stable and balanced agrarian economy had degenerated into precarious monocultures and backwater towns.

73- Yet if one compares these two essentially agrarian communities in temporal terms, the situation is reversed.

74- It is in their attitude to agrarian reform that the premisses of liberalism emerge most clearly.

75- In order to achieve these goals, an agrarian reform programme should have three main elements.

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