1- In a negotiation study, students were asked to reach agreement in class.

2- 319370 Ideally, we would reach agreement on this new approach with our European partners.

3- A desperate effort was made to reach agreement .

4- The fighting still continues despite several attempts to reach agreements .

5- Government and casino operators failed to reach agreement .

6- I am hopeful that the parties will reach agreement .

7- Another negotiation failed to reach agreement on 12 April.

8- What happens if they fail to reach agreement ?

9- "The conversation was very harmonious, and we reached agreement,' Merkel said.

10- Without instruction of any kind, 55% of the students successfully reached agreement.

11- The various parties reached agreement at last.

12- When both parties reached agreement for sale.

13- Research reviewers have never reached agreement about the findings.

14- The defence ministers reached agreement to order 50 aircraft for each country.

15- Eventually they reached agreement and Maurel was cast.

16- We have reached agreement with the Sunday Times.

17- I'm glad we reached agreement in such a reasonable way.

18- And they went there and talked and said they reached agreement .

19- The minister was hoping to have reached agreement on these issues overnight .

20- In December 1946 the directors of the two companies finally reached agreement .

21- The WCT Board and the City eventually reached agreement .

22- The European Council has reached agreement on a treaty on European union.

23- Representatives of the engine-building industry also reached agreements on supply of products.

24- On Dec. 31 the government and Solidarity reached agreement on ending the strike.

25- The Labour and Liberal parties reached agreement to accommodate each other's candidates.

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