26- It was a jungle of thick eucalyptus, corpses, tangled azalea, and memories of aimless nocturnal screams.

27- A swarm of people were buzzing around outside the Tower, most of them looking rather aimless.

28- Her aimless meandering eventually brought her to the top of Heymouth, directly underneath the towering cliffs.

29- Over and over again in the past few weeks he has shown himself to be leading a rudderless, aimless Government.

30- Sponsored by American money. Gotta love it. The Chinese at least have a goal in space while we wallow in our own stupidity aimless thanks to our one termer.

31- I aimless by fits and starts, you can't walk out of the world.

32- It is quite a shock to move from this charming, if slightly aimless stuff back into the original cacophonous maelstrom.

33- After several hours of aimless searching they were getting low on fuel.

34- Action without knowledge is aimless and tends to go astray, and action can catalyze and upgrade our knowledge.

35- She burned herself out with a life of aimless dissipation.

36- A swarm of people were buzzing around outside the Tower, most of them looking rather aimless.

37- My life seemed aimless.

38- The novel seems aimless, and the characters are stereotypes.

39- So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd.

40- She changed from an aimless, pregnant teenager into a purposeful young woman.

41- Such precision baffled Quinn, for in all other respects Stillman seemed to be aimless.

42- He led an aimless sort of life.

43- It's a comforting perspective when you look at Christopher Reeve. And it's even nicer to think that maybe somewhere he's awakened this morning, friskily as a colt, and gone off for an aimless run.

44- aimless minutes of hand wringing and expletives, followed by resignation.

45- Blessed are the uneducated, who forget it entirely, and are never conscious of folly or pruriency in the past, of long aimless conversations.

46- Being aimless and irresolute and hesitant is lamentable mentality.

47- The Chinese at least have a goal in space while we wallow in our own stupidity aimless thanks to our one termer.30. Journal talk with friends, cry or punch your pillow, but don't wallow.

48- After this, Li Bai began his aimless wanderings all over the country.

49- Over and over again in the past few weeks he has shown himself to be leading a rudderless, aimless Government.

50- Thus, a group is more than an aimless crowd of people waiting in an airport lounge or at a bus-stop.

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