26- Bolero, "Tango de los Exilados", and "Tribal Gathering" were composed by the European composer Walter Taieb (The alchemist's Symphony).

27- The CyberEvolved So called "CyberEvolved" children fit in one of several archetypes: * alchemist - Can reshape matter at molecular level.

28- In alchemic tradition, metals are incubated by fire in the womb of the Earth and alchemists only accelerate their development.

29- Order of Hermes Mages of Order of Hermes are formalized sorcerers, alchemists, and mystics drawing from classical occult practices.

30- Frankenstein was trained as both alchemist and modern scientist which makes him the bridge between two eras of an evolving archetype.

31- The main characters, much like the Western alchemists discussed near the top of this page, are also in search of the Philosopher's Stone.

32- Ione believes that the alchemist may pose as great a threat as the possessed.

33- Taieb is the composer of The alchemist's Symphony Batdorf, Rodney.

34- Gen is a shipwright and is good friends with the alchemist Kamandol.

35- Boyle had employed German alchemist Johann Becher who was in London looking for work.

36- 17543 In January 2010 alchemist began recording a new EP as a follow-up to Tripsis. 53.7144

37- One episode in Angel reveals that numerous members of the board of directors are alchemists.

38- Technology * Gunpowder is invented by alchemists of the Wu Empire in the southeast of China.

39- However, during 2006, The alchemist was featured on a skit in the Revenge of the Spit mixtape.

40- Novels and plays Many writers lampooned alchemists and used them as the butt of satirical attacks.

41- Gnome criminals are considered insane and are treated by alchemists, clerics and magicians until cured.

42- When Kreutz asks the mercenary why he has come, Peter realized the alchemist is not a demon and stops being afraid.

43- While exploring the Laboratory, He discovered The alchemist's final computerized message.

44- The musical instruments symbolize an underlying harmony behind nature's powers, to which the successful alchemist must himself be attuned.

45- The musical instruments symbolize an underlying harmony behind nature's powers, to which the successful alchemist must himself be attuned.

46- The free market forces mortal men to act like alchemists; they must turn base materials into more valuable goods.

47- Medieval alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold.

48- By insensible gradations the last of the alchemists became the first of the experimental philosophers.

49- Five thousand years ago Emperor of Qin Dynasty sent a group of alchemists along with youngsters to East Sea in search of the elixir of life. They never completed the mission.

50- The free market forces mortal men to act like alchemists; they must turn base materials into more valuable goods.

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