1- Flamingos are not naturally pink, they get their color from eating tiny green algae that turn pink during digestion.

2- The giant kelp that creates underwater forests in the ocean belongs to the large group of plants called algae.

3- Officials are cautioning people to boil their water due to an algae bloom in the water supply.

4- We spent the morning scrubbing the bottom of the kayaks to remove the algae.

5- Some animals eat tiny algae which they scrape off the rocks.

6- Flamingos are not naturally pink, they get their color from their food - tiny green algae that turn pink during digestion.

7- The Red Sea gets its name from the occasional extensive blooms of a certain kind of algae which turns red when it dies.

8- Officials are cautioning people to boil their water due to an algae bloom in the water supply.

9- Elizabeth slipped and fell while walking on the slick surface of the algae covered rocks at the beach.

10- I'm pretty sure this is going to turn out to be algae,"" one of the crew said over the communications system."

11- Nutrients from the runoff are one of the contributors to the algae problem on the lake.

12- The warm water prompts algae inside the coral to leave, which starves coral and turns it white.

13- ADFs are compatible with bottom feeders and algae eaters.

14- algae also inherit plastids from only one parent.

15- algae blooms look like pea soup or like green, blue or brown paint on lake surfaces.

16- Another big question is how much funding will be available next year to take on the algae.

17- As the algae dies off and decomposes, that process robs water of life-giving oxygen.

18- Blue-green algae has survived for an estimated 3 billion years by being spectacularly persistent - and elusive.

19- But we are looking at the recombinant approach, including in mammalian cells, algae, fungi and plants.

20- Entire populations of algae vanished, and other species, like the limpet, migrated away in search of food.

21- Every summer since 2007, residents of coastal Chinese city Qingdao have been greeted by a mysterious 'algae bloom.'

22- Invasive algae takes on the shape of the corals it smothers Corals depend on sunlight for photosynthesis.

23- Key algae and bacteria can mop up carbon dioxide and in turn release oxygen to enable astronauts to breathe.

24- Microcycstin is produced in large quantities of blue green algae.

25- Officials issued the warning Friday afternoon after high levels of toxins from blue-green algae were detected.

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