1- It's a really unusual, kind of weirdly conceived game that teaches kids, sometimes very young kids, algebraic thinking.

2- Nxe6 (see algebraic notation ), and resigned a move later.

3- The following is a universal-algebraic triviality.

4- Thus we have a groupoid in the algebraic sense.

5- algebraic geometry over free groups: lifting solutions into generic points.

6- algebraic properties of this "ring" turn out to correspond to geometric incidence properties of the plane.

7- Galois' work was picked up by André Weil who built algebraic Geometry, a whole new language.

8- He was mostly responsible for the development of algebraic geometry.

9- Huhn, On the representation of algebraic distributive lattices II, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 53 (1989), 3-10.

10- In a paper published in 1682, Leibniz proved that sin x is not an algebraic function of x. Nicolás Bourbaki (1994).

11- It allows input to be entered in algebraic mode as well as RPN mode.

12- Modern algebraic geometry considers similar questions on a vastly more abstract level.

13- More generally the theory deals with algebraic independence of numbers.

14- Much of the algebraic notions discussed above survive the passage to this context.

15- Operations Basic operations After values, the next ingredient of any algebraic system is its operations.

16- Relatively hyperbolic groups: intrinsic geometry, algebraic properties, and algorithmic problems.

17- The differences are at least 3-fold: Representation theory depends upon the type of algebraic object being represented.

18- The math wizard came up with an algebraic theorem that connected two fundamental laws of physics.

19- They prefer arithmetic reasoning to algebraic equations for solving word problems.

20- This type of algebraic structure captures essential properties of both set operations and logic operations.

21- We define the cohomology class of an algebraic cycle to be the sum of the cohomology classes of its components.

22- In algebraic graph theory it equals the multiplicity of 0 as an eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of the graph.

23- The classes become an abstract algebraic group with the introduction of addition, defined via an "equator pinch".

24- The compressions of the surfaces are interacting in a way that makes a deterministic algebraic solution difficult to find.

25- Given a prime in the ring of algebraic integers in a number field, it is desirable to study the field locally at that prime.

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