26- J. Buchmann, H. C. Williams: On the infrastructure of the principal ideal class of an algebraic number field of unit rank one.

27- 3. Folge This sequence started in 1983 with publication of Galois module structure of algebraic integers by Albrecht Fröhlich.

28- The ranks for the white pieces correspond to the rank in algebraic notation whereas the ranks for the black pieces are reversed.

29- The problem can be translated into algebraic terms, but unfortunately there is no known algorithm to solve this algebraic problem.

30- The main algorithms of real algebraic geometry which solve a problem solved by CAD are related to the topology of semi-algebraic sets.

31- Finding integer roots or exact algebraic roots are separate problems, whose algorithms have little in common with those discussed here.

32- There has been much work on the question of when a reductive algebraic group acting on a vector space has a polynomial ring of invariants.

33- 127338 This approach, which is the heart of contemporary algebraic method, was a fundamental step in the development of mathematics. 25.1972

34- One possible algebraic specification may provide two constructor functions for the data-element: a true constructor and a false constructor.

35- These, together with the algebraic Laws of Exponents, enables him to construct what is today known as The Calculus of Values.

36- Electric potential is a hypothetically measurable physical dimension, and is denoted by the algebraic variable V (italicized).

37- Number theory Hilbert unified the field of algebraic number theory with his 1897 treatise Zahlbericht (literally "report on numbers").

38- A further generalization is possible to Universal algebraic geometry in which every variety of algebra has its own algebraic geometry.

39- His views emerged in the seventeenth century and mathematicians won a clear algebraic language without the requirements of homogeneity.

40- Here is an example of declaring a new data type for 'Employee': /** * The Employee data type is an example of a CAL algebraic data type.

41- However, in the case of algebraic curves it is very common not to restrict the curve to having points only defined over the real numbers.

42- Finally, cards were printed with x and y variables that could appear in many forms, including fractions, powers and algebraic expressions.

43- Every epimorphism in this algebraic sense is an epimorphism in the sense of category theory, but the converse is not true in all categories.

44- algebraic notation became dominant in the 20th century, although it did not become popular in the English-speaking countries until the 1970s.

45- Omar Khayyam also combined the use of trigonometry and approximation theory to provide methods of solving algebraic equations by geometrical means.

46- For an algebraic knot such as in the first example, 1* is often omitted.

47- Every algebraic lattice is isomorphic to the congruence lattice of some algebra.

48- 995570 Now, are intersection points of with an algebraic curve. 13.8382

49- Nxe6 (see algebraic notation ), and resigned a move later.

50- Time-reversal symmetry, Kramers' degeneracy and the algebraic eigenvalue problem.

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