1- Using extra lighting to encourage algal growth is encouraged.

2- Another potential threat is the increase in algal growth .

3- There is also evidence that algal growth helps promote its spread.

4- Some algal growth benefits those fish which feed on greenery.

5- This prevents appearance of black spots on walls due to algal growth .

6- Winter storms are another key factor in the amount of algal growth .

7- Nitrates contribute to nutrient enrichment which encourages algal growth and blooms.

8- Nitrogen is a valuable substrate that can be utilized in algal growth .

9- Herbivores are grazers and crop hard surfaces of algal growths .

10- Overfishing of herbivore populations can cause algal growths on reefs.

11- The organic molecules released from the dead bacterial cells stimulate fresh bacterial and algal growth .

12- Little information exists in the scientific literature about their effectiveness in reducing algal growth .

13- The dominant process effecting the quality of the water is photosynthesis and algal growth .

14- Discharge of sewage also contributes to nutrient loading which further promotes excessive algal growth .

15- Once they enter rivers , lakes and bays, they can trigger algal growth .

16- Light cannot penetrate turbid water very deeply and that limits algal growth there.

17- By law, sellers of unregistered products may not claim that they affect algal growth .

18- Wastewater and sewage enter the lake untreated and this enhances algal growth and eutrophication.

19- A large area of its surface water is suffering from de-oxygenation due to algal growth .

20- The addition of phosphorus increases algal growth , but not all phosphates actually feed algae.

21- The filter is stored in the cold and dark to minimize additional algal growth or degradation.

22- These chemicals induce rapid algal growth in the area that depleted oxygen levels in the water.

23- Project costs might be offset by fish farming or harvesting based on the enhanced algal growth ?

24- They also provide cleaner services to marine turtles, by removing algal growth from their shells.

25- Sodium silicate gel is also used as a substrate for algal growth in aquaculture hatcheries.

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