26- It can also refer to utilizing a better algorithm.

27- It is not known how many moves this algorithm might need.

28- Its algorithm prioritizes the most engaging stories, which turn out to be those from trusted sources.

29- It's already putting out a weekly print edition in London called "Good Long Read" using the same algorithm.

30- Its engineers spaced out the automated postings, just enough so it wouldn't set off Twitter's spam-detecting algorithm.

31- It's ironic, then, that a new algorithm enables robots to tackle problems in a messier and ultimately more human way.

32- Naturally, it's the reverse for the maxmin algorithm.

33- New Results on the Key Scheduling algorithm of RC4.

34- Non-programmers can design interactive algorithms.

35- Oil rallied from early in the session, rising more than $1 on what was described as a big algorithmic trade.

36- Once the Layering algorithm was turned off and the orders were canceled, the market price typically rebounded."

37- READ MORE Eat More Fat He continues: 'The algorithm also offers a percentage of perfect for each option.

38- She brings an element of chaos to a reading culture that is otherwise corralled by algorithms.

39- Skynet equipped the cyborg with a sophisticated search algorithm, advanced well beyond humanity's reach.

40- Soon, the algorithm was generalised to two and four legs.

41- Teams at the centers will focus on programming models, algorithms, applications and compute performance.

42- The algorithm displays the contenders on a liberal--conservative spectrum, and rates each person on 15 issue areas.

43- The algorithm is also based on a given set of variables.

44- The algorithm relies on a number of factors, including your previous Facebook activity.

45- The checksum is calculated using the algorithm below.

46- The drives use a hardware-based AES 256-bit encryption algorithm.

47- The fit quiz and algorithm successfully fits eight in 10 women.

48- The hash algorithm has well-known security weaknesses that go away with SHA-2.

49- The items appear to be shelved randomly, but they're actually organized based upon a computer algorithm.

50- The new search algorithm creates something Polyvore is calling a "style graph."

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