26- Enrique claims to have had an affair with Brooke, and Brooke is unwilling to give Callahan her alibi.

27- A cop comes in and the gang offers up the false alibis The Fly had given them.

28- alibi eschewed the strings and brass of a typical Martin project in favor of a more popular-rock style.

29- alibi has been released from the hospital, while Grand Theft Auto remains at DoveLewis.

30- alibius tells them that Vermandero has invited him to make his patients perform (as just mad people) at Beatrice's wedding.

31- Anders kills his rival with a poison cigarette, using doctored surveillance videos to provide himself with an alibi.

32- But these new documents are very important because they challenge Mr. Hassan's alibi.

33- Callahan and the interns visit Brooke in jail, but are unable to extract an alibi from her, until she is alone with Elle.

34- Dan, having been dating Leanne, had subsequently provided Leanne with an alibi.

35- His alibi clears him, but Audrey is beginning to fade away.

36- On the way down from the Galibier, Vietto again caught Ezquerra, and together they rode towards the Col de Lautarast.

37- Parry was seen by the police as part of their investigations but given a false alibi by his girlfriend.

38- Solo tracks by Bobby G Big Deal It's All for Jan alibi I Want to Stay Ian Bairnson.

39- That night he vandalises Gordon's office, but Gordon cannot prove this and Chas gives him an alibi.

40- The pressure of leadership proves too much and her job and her alibi begin to crumble under the pressure.

41- They find his alibi weak, but decide to continue their work elsewhere, and start out the door.

42- Thompson 2007: 277 alibi (Film) The play was turned into the first sound film to be based on a Christie work.

43- I had nurtured an interest in bells for many years, and this seemed like a good alibi for taking it a bit deeper".

44- alibi doesn't qualify as one of America's better latter-day efforts (even though it's certainly not one of their worst).

45- They have a suspect, a Beatnik called Arthur Jester who fits a description of 'The Aspirin Kid' but his alibi checks out.

46- However, when he and John catch up with the cab, they find that the passenger is a newly arrived American: a perfect alibi.

47- 2. "alibi" ????? (bú zàichang zhèngmíng) :A song about mistrust in a relationship and how love cannot be divided and shared.

48- Thes One also brought artists Lightheaded (whom he signed when they opened for PUTS in Portland ) and DJ alibi to the Tres Roster.

49- Broken alibi A second part of the prosecution case was to discredit Mitchell's alibi that he had been at home at the time of the murder.

50- 92893 Carl kills Mark with the assistance of drug dealer Dino Dibra ( Daniel Amalm ) and L ( Ian Bliss ), who establish an alibi. 49.2696

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