51- Lawmakers in this state say they are determined to overturn a law that allows illegal aliens to get driver's licenses.

52- The churches of America's immigrants have played a vital role by helping to provide an ethnic anchor in an alien society.

53- For the majority of people who work hard all year in the Côte d'Ivoire, the Western concept of leisure is somewhat alien.

54- Laughter helps us to connect with others and counteracts feelings of alienation, a major factor in depression and suicide.

55- Many of the young people living on the streets of our city are kids who are totally alienated from their families for various reasons.

56- After reading a story about a spaceship full of aliens that came to earth and killed everyone the little boy was so scared that he couldn't fall asleep.

57- Some UFO buffs believe that a military surgeon performed an autopsy on an alien entity at a secret location in the U.S. a few years ago.

58- According to the FBI, hospitals in Houston, San Francisco, Chicago and Washington have been alerted that they may be targets of a terrorist attack.

59- alienDiscussion question: Do you believe that the American government is involved in a conspiracy to hide the fact that aliens have visited our planet in the past? constantSome people believe that a spaceship landed in Roswell, New Mexico in the 1940s, and that scientists there examined the dead bodies of aliens from another planet.

60- Some people believe that aliens came to our planet about fifty years ago, but that the American government is involved in some huge conspiracy to hide the truth from the public.

61- Yakeleya's film is tentatively called UFOs, aliens and First Nations.

62- I want it to be true that aliens are out there, that they've visited.

63- Click to view comments Is Stephen Hawking Right About Hostile aliens?

64- His praise of foreign lands gets him dismissed as both alien and red.

65- The ickiness you feel in pregnancy as your body becomes alien to you.

66- 'It doubles the impact of alienation and isolation within the community.

67- Managers who alienate him find themselves cast as buffoons in his skits.

68- Mapping apps can't afford to be too unique or they risk alienating users.

69- In reality, it's the product of lifelong alienation from one's true identity.

70- Even novice snorkelers can experience what look like alien life forms up close.

71- If it's going to happen, it has to be on my terms, he said of the "alien" film.

72- 151147 Can you imagine how embarrassed we'll be when aliens come and say, Dude!"

73- Or an effect of planet-sized structures built by some sort of alien civilization?

74- You can see that in the enthusiasm around our XPS and alienware gamers' products.

75- She might see greater value in taking a pass and not alienating Sanders' backers.

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