26- Another study had found that alienation from parents was the best predictor.

27- As a result of the alienation from his mother, and drifting apart with Siksha, Vijay's family life with Mary suffers.

28- Bankruptcy Code, an anti-alienation provision in a spendthrift trust is recognized.

29- Compounding his alienation to his people, he was forced at gunpoint to sign an execution order for hundreds of humans.

30- Existentialists argue that "man lives in alienation from God, from nature, from other men, from his own true self."

31- Glanvill on alienation Glanvill gives no indication that a tenant needed the lord's consent to alienate his rights to land.

32- Her development of "nocturnal language" involved the lexicon of dreams and addiction, mental instability and alienation.

33- In reality, it's the product of lifelong alienation from one's true identity.

34- It is especially clear differentiating the various types of alienation which Marx discusses.

35- She is a prostitute who, Raskolnikov discerns, shares the same feelings of shame and alienation as he does.

36- The entire relationship between society and The Motorcycle Boy is one of alienation.

37- The novel explores themes of social isolation and alienation that are particularly relevant in the postmodern world.

38- There is anecdotal evidence that some DPWs exhibit mild introversion and alienation.

39- Three profiles of heavy metal fans: A taste for sensation and a subculture of alienation.

40- We would add loneliness, alienation, and fear of death to the list.

41- He does speak at length of the rights of expectant heirs, and this should cause some restraints on alienation.

42- " In Trauma, Promise, and the Millennium: The Evolution of alienation. ed. L. Langman and D.K. Fishman. 59.5725

43- They are also, however, subject to strict regulation, especially with respect to auditing and alienation of land.

44- Diane had a great fortune, and to avoid the alienation of the money from the D'Urfé family, Honoré married her in 1600.

45- ' Mr. Buchanan explained their existence on the alienation of white America, concluding that "America was once their country.

46- Y Yaddith Yaddith The first mention of Yaddith was in the "alienation" sonnet of Lovecraft's poem Fungi from Yuggoth (1929 30).

47- The song speaks of numbers about suburban alienation and the feelings of disillusionment that come through youth in modern society.

48- Far from Heaven DVD commentary track As in Fassbinder's film, in Far from Heaven Haynes portrays feelings of alienation and awkwardness.

49- 418002 They possessed a spiritual alienation from a country that appeared to be 'provincial, materialistic and emotionally barren. 8.9226

50- Tall Yellow Top This essence is said to help with feelings of alienation, not belonging, of feeling that one was born on the wrong planet.

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