51- The preparation of chitin from cicada was discussed emphatically. The preparation process, decolor conditions, the concentration and dosage of the acid and alkali were studied.

52- Discarded acid should be neutralized with alkali before disposal.

53- Acid and alkali are the basic concept of chemistry.

54- This is consistent with glass technology at the time-the principal alkali used was also soda.

55- Reactive dyestuffs, developed in the Fifties, chemically react with the cotton fibre, under the influence of alkali and heat.

56- This is consistent with glass technology at the time-the principal alkali used was also soda.

57- by the alkali extraction acid precipitation.

58- Another grouping can be between organic and inorganic soils which relates to alkali soluble and acid soluble soils.

59- The manganic manganous oxide is prepared from the purified manganese sulfate solution using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant under alkali medium of ammonia solution.

60- Discarded acid should be neutralized with alkali before disposal.

61- The invention relates to a sterilizing acaricidal pesticide liquid using water as the base material, which also comprises lime, sulfur, edible alkali, washing powder and common salt.

62- Increasing polymer concentration of either alkali-surfactant-polymer main slug or auxiliary slug will significantly improve the incremental oil recovery.

63- Please do not use it onto wounded skin since it contains mercapto calcium acetates and intensive alkali, please flush the eyes with plenty of water in case of eye contact(), and see a doctor.

64- However, a dock leaf is useless against wasp stings, which contain an alkali.

65- Amines can be prepared by heating and alkyl ammonium salt with an alkali.

66- There are reasonable approximations of bicarbonate and alkali secretion for each subject on separate occasions.

67- The carboxymethylinulin(CMI)was prepared via reaction of inulin with sodium chloroacetate as etherification agent in presence of alkali using microwave method.

68- Waste water pretreatment system, PLC autocontrol of adding acid and alkali in chlor-alkali production were introduced.

69- The determination of alkali metal and alkaline earth metal ions by single-column cation chromatography was described.

70- When an acid and an alkali react together the result is a salt and water.

71- By controlling combustion temperature or adding kaolin clay to make alkali metal salts into high melting substances, coking can be avoided in dense phase zone.

72- Methods Fresh amnion transplantation was performed in 22 case ( 24 eyes ) of early conjunctival alkali burn.

73- Invitro experiments show back titration to be very accurate and precise in determining the alkali content of standard bicarbonate solutions.

74- Amines can be prepared by heating and alkyl ammonium salt with an alkali.

75- Filters: Brush off loose debris, immerse in very hot alkali degreaser solution and leave for some hours.

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