1- In a show of force on Sunday night, he dispatched allied troops and security forces to Baghdad's Green Zone.

2- Today there are fewer than 15,000 allied troops in Afghanistan, mainly in training and advising roles.

3- BALTOPS this year includes a spectacular amphibious landing of 700 allied troops on a beach in Ustka in northern Poland.

4- In 1944, allied troops captured Monte Cassino in Italy after one of the longest and bloodiest battles of World War II.

5- More than 35,000 allied troops were killed during the Normandy Campaign, which lasted till the end of August 1944.

6- They will gather at Sword Beach, one of five landing points for allied troops.

7- War photographer Robert Capa immersed himself with allied troops.

8- 40,000 allied troops took part during the battle and suffered 11,200 (7,000 British, 4,200 Indian)casualties.

9- allied troops landed in Sicily with little initial opposition from Italian forces.

10- allied troops landed on mainland southwestern Italy on September 3, 1943, crossing from Sicily.

11- By July 1918 allied troops outnumbered German on the Western Front.

12- Long's brigade was acting as the vital link between the two main bodies of Anglo-allied troops.

13- They carried out a reconnaissance of the Narvik area, in preparation for the later assaults by allied troops.

14- Fresh allied troops started to arrive two hours later, along with Wellington, who took over command of the allied forces.

15- She designed battleships for the Royal Navy and the floating vessels used to land allied troops in France on D-Day in 1944.

16- Special Silver Certificates were also issued as payment for allied troops in North Africa about to begin their assault into Europe.

17- Thousands of U.S. and allied troops were killed and wounded on the first day of the invasion, though historians have not agreed on precise numbers.

18- More allied troops were arriving at Kohima.

19- Rear Admiral Richmond K. Turner commanded the amphibious fleet that delivered the 16,000 allied troops to Guadalcanal and Tulagi.

20- Comparatively, the allied troops were able to persuade the Axis forces by using no words at all in one of their airborne leaflets.

21- To ensure execution of the treaty's terms, allied troops would occupy the left (German) bank of the Rhine for a period of 5 15 years.

22- allied troops stormed ashore in the darkness of the early morning hours of the 10th, and Andromeda spent the next two days disgorging her cargo.

23- Franz Weller was captured in May 1945 by allied troops and was held until 1946.

24- " The allied troops attacked nonetheless. 40.168

25- His Indian allied troops appear to have been stationed chiefly in the left.

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