1- On June 6, 1944, allied forces launched a major assault against German troops in Normandy.

2- The allied forces are planning a major assault on the enemy this evening.

3- In January of 1991, allied forces launched a major air offensive against Iraq to begin the Persian Gulf War.

4- The allied forces scored a major victory on D-Day, ultimately leading to the end of the war in Europe.

5- The allied forces were overwhelmed by the enemy attack, and had to retreat 3 miles behind their original position.

6- During World War Two, Algiers, the capital of Algeria, served as a major headquarters for the allied forces.

7- The allied forces scored a major victory on D-Day, which ultimately lead to the end of the war in Europe.

8- The allied forces launched simultaneous attacks on German positions at either end of town.

9- In January of 1991, the American-led allied forces launched an attack against Iraqi positions and installations in Iraq and occupied Kuwait.

10- On February 24, 1991, a ground assault by allied forces was begun in Kuwait to force out the Iraqi invaders.

11- Al-Hadi is accused of being an al-Qaida commander who organized deadly attacks on U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan.

12- As 1814 began, the allied forces invaded France.

13- Ball said her great uncle died in Belgium at the age of 17, just days before the town was liberated by allied forces.

14- He will add that Clinton 'stood by as that hard-won victory by American and allied forces was thrown away.

15- Obama called for 9,800 U.S. troops to stay in Afghanistan after the end of 2014, along with some allied forces.

16- The fierce fighting between allied forces and Germany had leveled the French village.

17- The incident comes as U.S. and allied forces are drawing down and turning the fight over to Afghan security forces.

18- The Longest Day (1962) allied forces ready themselves for the D-Day assault.

19- They were opposed by the allied forces that included Britain, France, Italy and Russia.

20- U.S. and allied forces later found that such stockpiles did not exist.

21- allied forces on the European continent required a tremendous amount of fuel.

22- An attack on the allied forces now on his western front in Tunisia was also successful and caused their withdrawal.

23- At the same time, allied forces managed to inflict upwards of 1,500 casualties on already depleted German forces.

24- Batarfi said his group is fighting rebels and allied forces in 11 fronts.

25- By 15:00, the allied forces were relieved by fresh divisions.

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