1- He argued for our forming the alliance with that nation.

2- In 1912, Turkey was defeated by an alliance of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, and Montenegro.

3- Frederich Engels described marriage as a means of establishing alliances between warring elites.

4- In May of 1386, England and Portugal signed a treaty promising permanent alliance and friendship.

5- Frederich Engels described marriage as a means of establishing alliances between warring elites.

6- alterThe two minority parties have formed an alliance, which should allow them to hold the balance of power.

7- The American government is hoping the Northern alliance will be able to overthrow the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

8- In Afghanistan, the U.S. is supporting the Northern alliance in its bid to oust the Taliban government.

9- Thailand was in alliance with Japan during World War Two, but became a U.S. ally following the conflict.

10- On the television show "Survivor," the contestants try to make alliances with different people to vote others off the island.

11- The Reform Party is trying to forge an alliance with the Conservative Party in order to defeat the Liberals in the next election.

12- In Afghanistan, the U.S. is supporting a faction known as the Northern alliance in its bid to oust the Taliban government.

13- Ogden Nash once remarked that marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays, and the other who never forgets.

14- In 1879, the governments of Germany and Austria formed an alliance under which they agreed to come to each other's aid if either was attacked.

15- Each alliance member applies its own sub-criteria for who qualifies.

16- B.C. LNG alliance says LNG boom for B.C. 'not a foregone conclusion'

17- 906447 We have a strong relationship, a strong alliance with Israel."

18- The initiative is spearheaded by the Atlantic Common Ground alliance.

19- The alliance will produce 110,000 Rogue crossovers at Renault's
20- Washington Gender alliance Support Group Meeting in Shoreline. 7:30pm.

21- They saved money, to be sure, but the alliance was never one of equals.

22- It would also build a solid Asian alliance to balance Chinese hegemony.

23- The alliance launched an offensive Hasaka shortly after joining forces.

24- Two months ago, this alliance captured the provincial capital of Idlib.

25- Tending to the alliance with the United States was a major part of that.

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