26- In East Belfast, the DUP's Gavin Robinson ousted Naomi Long of alliance.

27- Each side is backed by competing alliances of former anti-Gaddafi rebels.

28- This article has been updated with comment from the Drug Policy alliance.

29- There are two main types of government that such alliances could lead to.

30- The area is held by a rebel alliance that excludes Islamic State fighters.

31- Wilson Fitt once worked for the shipyard alliance building the Bluenose II.

32- This is not a victory, said Delsenia Glover, an organizer with the alliance.

33- The report is part of a ten-state series by the alliance for a Just Society.

34- Meanwhile, Han and Leia are carrying the heavy water for the Rebel alliance.

35- The park features 38 preserved sections of railway track, the alliance said.

36- The Online Trust alliance hopes to standardize security in the IoT industry.

37- Homosexual candidates make up five of the Green-SDP alliance's 16 candidates.

38- But, as in past votes, the alliance has failed to agree on a joint candidate.

39- For information email info@washingtongender alliance.com Les Be Honest. 8-9pm.

40- Lukashenko, in power for 21 years, also appears keen to balance his alliances.

41- Board member Rick Gibson will report on the Pinal County Governmental alliance.

42- The committee is not neutral, said Shibli, from Maliki's State of Law alliance.

43- Still the old alliances between terrorism and crime differ from the modern ones.

44- Evergreen Mountain Bike alliance contracted with DNR to build the Predator trail.

45- He's also a board member at alliance Française de Moncton, a non-for profit group.

46- Lawmakers from the main opposition Democratic alliance (DA) also left the chamber.

47- The alliance for Solar Choice proposes removing the cap on net metering altogether.

48- They formed a partnership years ago, but that alliance quietly fell by the wayside.

49- The YHC and the Public Service alliance of Canada resumed contract talks a week ago.

50- He has no alliance expansion agenda, indicating indifference to Ukraine's inclusion.

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