76- In northern Syria, Kurdish forces leading an alliance with Sunni Arab fighters have scored gains.

77- He dismissed the threat from regional forces, stating: 'Your alliance will not achieve anything.'

78- The shutdown will continue for an "indeterminate amount of time," alliance said in a news release.

79- The US-led alliance is also "reviewing long standing defence plans for Turkey," the official said.

80- 292346 He was captured by the Northern alliance and turned over to the United States for a bounty.

81- 666464 That means he actually cannot offer much in the way of an alliance in the battle against IS.

82- The result was a strategic alliance for Linda and today I am a member of the KNOD Board of Advisors.

83- These exercises are a clear demonstration of the U.S. commitment to the alliance, the official said.

84- For information email info@washingtongender alliance.com Queers, Crackpots & Fallen Women AA. 8-9pm.

85- But there as well the Podemos-backed alliance is likely to team up with the Socialists to win power.

86- 883226 US aerial refuelling, intelligence and other assistance has supported that Saudi-led alliance.

87- The council also approved the intergovernmental contract with South Dakota Public Assurance alliance.

88- We were pleased to participate in the Summit and are grateful to be part of the Smart Cities alliance.

89- Edward would then sign a peace treaty with Germany and form an alliance with it against Soviet Russia.

90- Upon my life, my heart was well-nigh ravished, the passion which I had so rigorously banished almost repossessed my bosom, the forgotten dalliance of youth was within an ace of returning to seduce me.

91- Acquisitiveness was served by marriages, alliances and sheer brute force.

92- We forgot the admonitions of our founding fathers about entangled alliances.

93- In foreign affairs , he warned against long-term alliances.

94- The alliance between Rohan and Gondor came into existence in the year 2510 of the Third Age .

95- In the nuclear age , peace-time alliances seem a permanent fact.

96- Instead of forming a cohesive alliance, it tried to set the agenda by bullying and buying.

97- An alliance of such aggrieved parties with legal standing can seek an injunctive delay.

98- During World War I, Nour agitated against any military alliance between Romania and Russia.

99- It is foolish and ahistorical to speak of the possibility of tactical alliances between Blacks and the GOP.

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