76- 885868 General Foch was appointed as supreme commander of the allied forces. 3.9781

77- The allied forces scored a major victory on D-Day, ultimately leading to the end of the war in Europe.

78- allied forces are racing to trap the Germans before they can escape.

79- During World War Two, Algiers, the capital of Algeria, served as a major headquarters for the allied forces.

80- The allied forces launched simultaneous attacks on German positions at either end of town.

81- The allied forces were overwhelmed by the enemy attack, and had to retreat 3 miles behind their original position.

82- The allied forces are planning a major assault on the enemy this evening.

83- The allied forces scored a major victory on D-Day, which ultimately lead to the end of the war in Europe.

84- In January of 1991, the American-led allied forces launched an attack against Iraqi positions and installations in Iraq and occupied Kuwait.

85- By June 9, allied forces had completely surrendered.

86- 247188 allied forces bomb the city, and Billy takes refuge in a meat locker. 13.6443

87- The Germans gradually reduced the pocket of allied forces, forcing them back to the sea.

88- Air war Periodic air raids on Japan were the first attacks undertaken by the allied forces.

89- This was possibly one of the most brilliant pieces of staff work in the allied forces at that time.

90- The allied forces had to set up bridgehead across the River Pó, before the German forces crossed it.

91- The D-Day landings were generally successful but the allied forces were unable to take Caen as planned.

92- Bombings by the allied forces devastated of most towns including Sandakan, which was razed to the ground.

93- The D-Day landings began on 6 June 1944, when allied forces invaded Normandy.

94- The D-Day landings began on 6 June 1944, when allied forces invaded Normandy.

95- It's a sort of goodwill thing that Bonn puts out for the allied forces; it doesn't outsell Playboy.

96- The D-Day landings began on 6 June 1944, when allied forces invaded Normandy.

97- Japan joins the allied forces: Ottoman Empire soon joins the Central Powers.

98- For more than a week before the Inchon landing,[] the allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.

99- It's a sort of goodwill thing that Bonn puts out for the allied forces; it doesn't outsell Playboy.16. So the 40GB MP3 player, all else being equal, will outsell the 20GB MP3 player. The easy-to-use phone will outsell the hard-to-use phonS.-allied forces in the 1991 Persian gulf war.

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