26- By January 31, the last allied forces had left Malaya, and Allied engineers blew a hole feet (0 m) wide in the causeway.

27- By the early spring of 1945 events favored the allied forces in Europe.

28- De Gaulle ordered General Leclerc to attack single-handedly without the aid of allied forces.

29- From July to August, Henry's forces besieged and captured Dreux, thus relieving allied forces at Chartres.

30- He fostered cordial relations with commander of allied forces, materially increasing the effectiveness of operations.

31- However, if they are not used, the other player may use them to his advantage when he gets the use of the allied forces.

32- In the summer of 1948, the school was no longer in the control of the allied forces.

33- Instead they were allowed to construct a misleading order of battle for the allied forces.

34- Landed troops overcame the last defenders of the bluff, and 21 cannons fell into hands of the allied forces.

35- Of the 6,500 to 7,000 Vikings and allied forces, an estimated 6,000, including almost all the leaders, were killed.

36- On September 4, 1944 the allied forces conquered Antwerp and the NSB expected the fall of the Netherlands to come soon.

37- The allied forces discovered the information on a written order to the German Group Armies von Gallwitz.

38- The allied forces were concentrated around the strategic airfield of Penfui.

39- The remaining sibyllae of Chor Tempest are promptly packed off to the Spring at the insistence of the allied forces.

40- The second battle of Gaza was a disastrous defeat for the allied forces.

41- The year 1918 in the summer was a year of the absolute control of the sky over this area by the allied forces.

42- Disembarked troops overcame the last defenders of the bluff, and 21 cannons fell into hands of the allied forces.

43- The Seven Years' War started in 1756, with Prussia facing the allied forces of Austria, Russia, France, and Sweden.

44- Fresh allied troops started to arrive two hours later, along with Wellington, who took over command of the allied forces.

45- The advancing Ottoman forces debouched from the Kauwukah defensive system to attack the allied forces occupying the ridge.

46- In December 1944 German forces launched the Ardennes Offensive in their last major attempt to stop advancing allied forces.

47- Following his rescue, Mussolini headed the Italian Social Republic in parts of Italy that were not occupied by allied forces.

48- Though allied forces ultimately won the battle, the initial Nazi counteroffensive caught them by surprise and caused high casualties.

49- On April 28, Day stole a Volkswagen and drove to the Allied lines where he informed the allied forces of the hostage situation in Tyrol.

50- allied forces were fighting their way across France, and fresh units were badly needed in autumn 1944 to continue to press the offensive.

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