51- In 2002, the bite force on a 12 foot alligator was measured to be about 2100 pounds.

52- In one case, Arlo "called in sick" to the strip and was replaced by a large, realistically drawn alligator for a week.

53- In September 2008, JJ Grey & MOFRO released Orange Blossoms also under the alligator label, and produced by Dan Prothero.

54- It never even crossed our minds when we jumped in. Never even thought about the alligators.

55- Many people still fondly refer to the plaza as 'La Plaza de los Lagartos,' or alligator Plaza.

56- Murakami's Anemone also kept a pet named Gulliver (an alligator, in her case).

57- Reproduction Young American alligator swimming, showing the distinctive yellow striping found on juveniles.

58- Still another theory was that he was taken to a Florida swamp as alligator food.

59- The alligators then feed upon some of the animals that come to the hole.

60- The closest living modern reptile relative of birds is the alligator, Springer said.

61- The Hippos and alligators then pop out of the golden present, first Hippos, then alligators.

62- The industry began on the Adelaide River, close to Darwin, and moved east to the Mary River and alligator Rivers regions.

63- The raccoon riding an alligator is the most Florida thing since mortgage fraud.

64- The rivers are infested with alligators, and fish of various species abound.

65- The spokesman said authorities have not yet determined the alligator's cause of death.

66- There, Archie is bedeviled by a playful chimpanzee, two pet bears and an alligator.

67- They appear to be similar to those in marine turtles; they seem to be absent in alligatoridae.

68- Unlike other Imagin, the alligator Imagin goes through a multitude of hosts to enact his scheme.

69- 960285 Use in cuisine Even in West Africa, alligator pepper is an expensive spice and is used sparingly. 2.4972

70- The Wrench forced only one member of the Yellow team, which was Maddison, to retrieve 2 alligators from the pond.

71- Once an alligator reaches adulthood, any animal living in the water or coming to the water to drink is potential prey.

72- The Kapalga Native Industrial Mission was established in 1899 near the South alligator River but only lasted four years.

73- Albums such as 1981's Knights of the Sound Table and 1982's alligator Woman saw the band playing up their eclectic style.

74- While alligators and caimans only have them on their jaws, crocodiles have similar organs on almost every scale on their body.

75- " A deus ex machina is later employed in the film in the form of an alligator attack that saves the main character's life. 41.6623

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