26- I do not now allude to preference though of course that comes first.

27- In your remarks you allude to certain sinister developments.

28- Besides, it struck him as a little absurd to allude to the matter.

29- Try not to allude to this matter in his presence because it annoys him to hear of it.

30- You must not allude to it when you meet him.

31- He did not even allude to his brother's engagement to Mary.

32- Did he allude to his hope of being captain?

33- In your remarks you allude to certain sinister development.

34- Try not to allude to this matter in his presence because it annoys him to hear of it.

35- I do not allude to you, my boy.

36- Racial references touch raw nerves when they allude to negative stereotypes about African Americans to do with laziness, criminality, untrustworthiness or sexuality.

37- I didn't allude to any person or anything.

38- I do not allude to you, my boy.

39- When asked, archivists and art dealers shrug and allude to the war.

40- I didn't allude to anybody or anything.

41- In your remarks you allude to certain sinister developments.

42- Her husband's death made her very sad; don't allude to it when you meet her.

43- In your remarks you allude to certain sinister development.

44- Many passages in Scripture allude to this concept .

45- You must not allude to it when you meet him.

46- He allude to his brother's engagement to Mary.

47- Whilst Riley speaks specifically of the primacy of sight, her paintings constantly allude to states at the limits of meaning.

48- You mustn't allude to his baby's death when you meet John.

49- Did he allude to his hope of being captain?

50- I didn't allude to anybody or anything.

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