1- I don't think I can get along with him.

2- He is very difficult to get along with.

3- A man on horseback came along the path.

4- I expect him to come along any day now.

5- He is getting along with his employees.

6- She will get along with my grandmother.

7- I manage to get along on a small salary.

8- His English is coming along pretty well.

9- A police car is stopping along the road.

10- Would you just move along a bit, please?

11- They walked along the avenue, arm in arm.

12- He came along with his dog following him.

13- They walked along the road three abreast.

14- I can't get along with that man any more.

15- Walking along the street, I met Mr Smith.

16- Walking along the street, I met the lady.

17- How are you getting along with your work?

18- A brass band is marching along the street.

19- He gets along badly with his boss.

20- AlanF_USHe is getting along with his neighborhood.

21- He could not get along with his neighbors.

22- Cherry trees are planted along the street.

23- Unfortunately, you cannot bring him along.

24- They walked along the street side by side.

25- How are you getting along in your new job?

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