1- With his British aloofness, that is hardly something one could say of Sikorski.

2- His style of leadership is one of maintaining a royalty-like aloofness from all major political problems."

3- Many managers find they must maintain some aloofness in order to be effective.

4- She is considered to be a geek and more than a little strange because of her aloofness.

5- Their typical shy nature and slow response time has often been misinterpreted as aloofness or disinterest by others.

6- To break the aloofness of the villagers, he found an ingenious solution.

7- Giovanni Fattori was respected by his colleagues but, due to his aloofness, he didn't get the recognition of the public at large.

8- To cut costs as mayor, Marino declined to have the standard dark blue limo that has become a symbol of political arrogance and aloofness.

9- Despite his aloofness, Fonzie had more whimsical traits, notably devotion to the Lone Ranger whom he meets in a later episode.

10- The aloofness in early works was replaced by a more subtle self-humor, an indication of the maturity in his literary style and life.

11- Shyness, fearfulness, over submissiveness, aloofness, lack of biddability, or aggression (especially toward humans) are all incorrect traits.

12- As a humanoid cat, he exhibits the qualities of coolness, vanity, and aloofness.

13- The Rottweiler makes a loyal and wonderful companion, but requires time and training. The Rottweiler is a basically calm, confident, and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness.

14- Things happen between friends, like jealousy, quarrel, aloofness, are not fresh.

15- The child shows aloofness ( seems unaware of adults ) at times.

16- That he wrote it in the winter of 1940-41 gave an indication of the insecurity which underlay his apparent aloofness.

17- His lazy, supercilious eyes, too, managed their affectation of aloofness without actually missing a trick.

18- Objecting to the tenderness and aloofness of humor and the vulgarism of humor, Lu Xun advocated a new concept of humor to criticize the reality, improve the work, and enliven life.30) Quite the contrary - the events you participate in this month will enliven all else that you do.

19- Her aloofness at the interview at the Ritz is a punishment for him not calling her back soon enough.

20- Objecting to the tenderness and aloofness of humor and the vulgarism of humor, Lu Xun advocated a new concept of humor to criticize the reality, improve the work, and enliven life.

21- This odd mix of intensity and aloofness, combined with his shoulder-length hair and scraggly beard, gave him the aura of a crazed shaman.23. The stamp is stuck on at an odd angle (but still stuck after all this time!) and he stares down at the scraggly lines of a familiar address.

22- aloofness is the inherent claim of doctors vocation; Empathy is external character of medical ethic.

23- Objecting to the tenderness and aloofness of humor and the vulgarism of humor, Lu Xun advocated a new concept of humor to criticize the reality, improve the work, and enliven life.

24- It was his aloofness, in fact, that ended his congressional career in 1992.

25- Soon the archer sensed an aloofness, a lack of confidence, in the Emperor's attitude.

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