1- He makes it a rule to read aloud every day.

2- It's important for parents to read aloud to their children on a regular basis.

3- Crown prosecutor Valerie Moore read aloud in court the stipulated facts that the prosecution and defence agree on.

4- Habre tried to thrash about as witnesses' names and a summation of the charges against him were read aloud.

5- The ketuba is read aloud and Sheva brachot are recited.

6- The program gives parent tools to enrich a read aloud experience.

7- The transcribed text is then translated through Bing Translator and finally read aloud by a vocal synthesizer.

8- We read aloud the prayers of ancient books and recite prayers that comforted our ancestors.

9- At the time, all bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud.

10- Because of Maggie's depressing poetry she read aloud for show-and-tell, Charlotte became sad and didn't feel like singing.

11- Even better, incoming Messages can be read aloud so there's no need to take your eyes off the road.

12- Harkes was in tears as several statements were read aloud from among the 29 that were submitted.

13- His translation was also guided by the principle that the Bible "was meant to be read aloud".

14- In fact, many poems reveal themselves fully only when they are read aloud.

15- It was read by countless buyers of the novel and was also read aloud in groups.

16- The Sisters sit in silence for their meals of bread and cheese, listening to one Sister read aloud while they eat.

17- Was it read aloud, sung a cappella or accompanied with music?

18- On some programs, Stroumboulopoulos read aloud viewer correspondence, in a segment called "George Reads the Mail.

19- O. Box 97), Altamont, TN 37301 until 2:00 P.M. CST on Thursday, May 22, 2014 and then at said time publicly opened and read aloud.

20- 'I was planning for a Saturday massacre,' Schenecker wrote in one entry read aloud in court Monday by police crime scene technician Matthew Evans.

21- During the audience, Montefiore read aloud a formal address in which he thanked the sultan for his stand in the Rhodes case.

22- Ahmad wrote his beliefs on a piece of paper and had it read aloud, but due to the clamor among the people it could not be heard.

23- Competition would be between three teams of four players each who would attempt to answer twenty questions, read aloud one at a time.

24- Most captives who attended their hearings chose to have the factors read aloud, one at a time, so they could respond to each, in turn.

25- Plot On the bank of a tranquil river, Alice grows bored listening to her sister read aloud from a history book about William I of England.

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