26- I am really excited to be running alphabet as CEO with help from my capable partner, Sergey, as President."

27- I said my alphabet, then counted until I ran out of numbers.

28- I was moved, therefore, when I heard a rumor it might be mocking Google's new alphabet holding company name.

29- Image Credit: In My Own Style 9. alphabet Bookmarks For all of you bookworms, this DIY project is just what you need!

30- In Larry Page's letter explaining it to us, alphabet is illustrated with a bunch of kids' building blocks.

31- Ireland claimed she could "burp the alphabet."

32- Let her gaze imprint your body with the alphabet of stars, that bubbling creative surge known only to those who connect.

33- Over many centuries, the alphabet was modernized.

34- Said another way, will alphabet spell innovation?

35- So they went to the Greek alphabet six times, including for Hurricane Beta, which directly hit part of Nicaragua.

36- That's why you get this alphabet soup in nearly every story.

37- The alphabet is written from left to right.

38- The name alphabet was chosen for two reasons, Mr Page said.

39- The new company will be called 'alphabet,'' Google Chief Executive and co-founder Larry Page announced Monday.

40- This article will use the common Latin alphabet mode.

41- When your alphabet soup starts insulting you, it's time to re-evaluate your personality.

42- With a letter, Page outlined how he was creating alphabet.

43- Written Xhosa uses a Latin alphabet -based system.

44- You're still a child and you need to learn the alphabet.

45- alphabet ended up 5.6 percent at $719.33, while Amazon rose 6.2 percent to $599.03.

46- Following Atatürk 's orthographic reforms in 1923, the Bible was rewritten in the new Latin alphabet.

47- tamacahutt n wuccen"" by Brahim Zellal was one of the first Kabyle books written using the Latin alphabet."

48- 'Hebrew is a completely different language with a completely different alphabet,' Rabbi Elisa said.

49- 14. Dringer David, The alphabet - A key to the history of mankind, (1948).

50- 5 of them are vowels, paired with main alphabet vowels as hard-smooth: a-ä, o-ö, u-ü, í-i, ý-e.

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