51- Trees are delivered in sections labeled in alphabetical order with 'A' as the top of the tree, and the last letter at the base of the tree.

52- 94993 98 Several prayers are erroneously attributed to Judah; e.g., Zunz wrongly ascribes to him the alphabetical te?innah Ezkera Yom Moti.

53- In Sydney in 1949 Bliss published the three-volume International Semantography: A non-alphabetical Symbol Writing readable in all languages.

54- North American campaign The following is an alphabetical list of the ads that appeared in the campaign shown in the United States and Canada.

55- Senate took place at Alice's Precinct 13 where 202 ballots were cast in alphabetical order and all just at the close of polling in favor of Johnson.

56- The alphabetical zoning system splits Winnipeg into letter categories.

57- Many breeders name litters in alphabetical order - all "A'' names one year, "B'' the next, and so on.

58- 585634 The names are alphabetical by surname within each group. 10.6156

59- The Index-Gazetteer is an alphabetical listing of described and charted features.

60- ABC commits 4 murders in alphabetical order, posing a serious challenge for Poirot.

61- The books are shelved in alphabetical order by title.

62- References The following references are sorted in alphabetical order.

63- Each version is named, in alphabetical order, after a dessert.

64- All the names are listed in alphabetical order.

65- Each episode's guest stars are listed in alphabetical order.

66- All the CDs are arranged tidily on the shelf in alphabetical order.

67- 271817 Some have chosen alphabetical names by birth order. 11.3633

68- Broadway carries alphabetical streets east and west.

69- In 1306 Cardinal Béranger drew up an alphabetical table of its contents (Inventorium).

70- Team members are listed in alphabetical order from Team Leader, to Members, to Guests.

71- The famous logicians are listed below in English alphabetical transliteration order (by surname ).

72- Every player from winning team, who was dressed in the Grey Cup Final, is listed last in alphabetical order.

73- The names are arranged in alphabetical order.

74- It will also be considered in some detail in parts of succeeding chapters on alphabetical indexing languages and alphabetical indexing systems.

75- It will also be considered in some detail in parts of succeeding chapters on alphabetical indexing languages and alphabetical indexing systems.

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