1- Van Eyck's altarpiece shows and represents the whole of the earth and mankind and yet the painting's landscape is decidedly Dutch.

2- Since then art historical opinion has shifted to see both Hand G and most of the Ghent altarpiece as the work of Jan; Ridderbos, op.

3- Many surviving panels are only fragments or wings from lost larger altarpieces.

4- The Columba altarpiece and the Time of the World.

5- In 1679 she completed an altarpiece for the Church of the Mercy of Peniche.

6- The church's main altarpiece was inaugurated in 1650 and the infirmaries were completed in 1673.

7- Carracci competed with the major artists for this altarpiece, the prize commission for the chapel.

8- The eastern windows are obscured by a vast Baroque altarpiece.

9- The eastern windows are obscured by a vast Baroque altarpiece.

10- You only have to visit some of the churches in Rome where his altarpieces hang to see what his naturalist art did.

11- altarpiece fragments (late 1300 - early 1400) destroyed during the English Dissolution, mid-16th century.

12- Davies, 402 *Crucifixion altarpiece Jacopo di Cione or "Style of Orcagna ", the principal Trecento work in the collection.

13- Magnificent altarpiece largely of painted alabaster made by Pere Johan and Hans de Suabia.

14- On the very left is the altarpiece of Saint Jerome, who is depicted in his cardinal's attire.

15- Some of these altarpieces create illusionistic effects, as if the viewer were having a vision.

16- The altar and the altarpiece: sacramental themes in early Netherlandish painting.

17- The altarpiece is thus seen as a radical departure from the vulnerable models known in Dominican art.

18- The altarpiece of the chapel of San Bruno was entrusted to the sculptor Pedro de Moreto.

19- There is also a Rococo meeting room inside and a Gothic altarpiece at the chapel, but visits are not allowed.

20- To their inside there are three ancient altarpieces representing the Purgatory.

21- Ten glass windows and one altarpiece of the Franziskaner hospital chapel in Ried 1928 are designs of Dachauer.

22- The earlier altarpieces, painted by F. H. Liljeqvist in 1877, were moved, but they are still hanging in the church.

23- Belen Jesuit Church Havana, Cuba The altarpiece of the Belen Church in Havana was built by Talleres de Arte in 1915.

24- 499375 By 1604-1605, he received an independent commission for an altarpiece of the Crucifixion of St. Peter. 33.3482

25- There, he pained frescoes including several decorations in San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma and an altarpiece for the Duomo.

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