1- The composition of ground water can be changed by altering the concentration of dissolved solids in surface water.

2- Declining fertility has major consequences for the wider society, such as significantly altering the age structure.

3- The composition of ground water can be changed by altering the concentration of dissolved solids in surface water.

4- He was charged by police after altering his business records to make it look like he was making less money than he really was.

5- You can't drive on mind altering RX drugs.

6- 'And the likelihood of altering those views was low, very low.'

7- altering pets would cause a drastic drop in the number of attacks on people.

8- altering the facts and figures, events and every issue.

9- Bobby Orr had game-altering speed from the backline.

10- But Bob Zemeckis and I are very happy with all three movies the way they are, and we would never consider altering them.

11- But marriage-minded people should beware of making any life-altering decisions based on the data, she warned.

12- Canada to pay victims of mind-altering treatment.

13- City staff initially presented three options to altering the bylaws but added a fourth by the end of the meeting.

14- Compliance was mightily overpraised, but Zobel's skill for slightly altering dynamics in close quarters was not.

15- Dani Sweet scored six points - all in the first four minutes of a game-altering first quarter.

16- Demands for mind-altering drugs are immense.

17- Elsewhere in interview, Aniston talks about the life-altering revelation in her early 20s that she had dyslexia.

18- Except in the VA system it is called "secret lists" and can also involve altering records to cover their tracks.

19- He was also arrested for DUI in Kootenai County last month and was accused of altering court documents in Spokane.

20- If declarations are so life altering, why haven't more of us taken advantage of their power?

21- Instead, he went about altering the registration plate and selling the car.

22- Might an interest-rate increase have an indirect effect on stocks' valuation by altering corporate financing decisions?

23- Rosling said that included altering plans as conditions on the ground change.

24- That Iran is not analogous to Munich is clear from the following: First, Munich was about altering Europe's map.

25- The nation's demographics are also altering demand.

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