26- The pair bonded over their interest in mind-altering substances and married two years later.

27- They're not altering our DNA either stimulating arm you insist.

28- This is a potentially society-altering technology, and democratic engagement with its trajectory is crucial and pressing.

29- A 38-year-old driver with expired insurance was pulled over for altering the decal on his vehicle.

30- A group of MIT hackers responded by altering the banner so that the inscription read "The Only Institute of Technology".

31- altering course to port, Riefkohl, who had lept to the bridge at the alarm, rang down for increased speed.

32- altering the gray scale, color and contrast, makes the video mimic film characteristics and is given the feel of film.

33- altering the size of the venturi used can be used to adjust the gross power.

34- At the hospital, Callisto is diagnosed as having taken a DNA altering drug.

35- But according to Elgie, Canadian businesses are on their way to altering the economy for good.

36- By altering the volume this level wave could be shaped into a waveform.

37- Eventually they die, but not before the perpetrator of the experiment self administers the life-altering treatment.

38- He says, however, the city isn't necessarily against altering the zoning.

39- He was eventually recruited by Rip Hunter to try and stop a madman named Gog from altering his history.

40- His continued evolution has slowly transformed him, altering his human form into what he calls a 'pre-worm'.

41- However it can also occur far in advance, by altering the composition of the electorate.

42- However, tilt has a strong effect on the depth of field by drastically altering its shape, making it asymmetrical.

43- Image orientation Image editors are capable of altering an image to be rotated in any direction and to any degree.

44- In addition to that, the Megatanks became the only monsters with a weapon capable of altering the landscape of Lyoko.

45- Jonas wanted to induce small amounts of mood altering drugs to assist with survivability.

46- Many Grand Lodges purpose that altering this structure would completely change freemasonry.

47- Marcora's research has subsequently focused on improving performance through altering perception.

48- Mephitisoids also have retractable claws, and the ability to emit specific mind/mood-altering pheromones at will.

49- Modifications Forks may be modified or replaced, thereby altering the geometry of the bike.

50- Pandemic infected Rogue with a virus, Strain 88, altering her powers by amplifying them into an instantaneous death-touch.

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