1- There is little evidence of later major alterations before the dissolution.

2- The only other major alteration being the rear side windows.

3- Another major alteration to the bridge occurred in 1955.

4- Another major alteration has been in accommodations necessary for the family influx.

5- The body has undergone major alterations .

6- There were major alterations to the house over the next three centuries.

7- That being the case, occasionally some major alterations do creep in.

8- The façade dates from 1818 with major alterations made in 1856 and 1986.

9- The council's planning committee is urging major alterations , including lifts between platforms.

10- They may include more major alterations , such as widening a door for a wheelchair.

11- The most major alteration would have been the restoration of a fully elected Senate.

12- Before you sell you may need to make some major alterations to your property.

13- After that, no major alterations were made to the cathedral for almost two centuries.

14- The first major alteration to "Ministry of Mayhem" occurred on 24 July 2004.

15- This was the last major alteration prior to that made by No Child Left Behind.

16- Those years have seen a few changes of name, and major alterations to the layout.

17- The change marked the first major alteration to the Citytv brand since its introduction in 1972.

18- Of course, like with anything else that undergoes major alterations , there will be snags.

19- Since that time, only one major alteration has taken place in the Memorial's design.

20- On this occasion, so late in the proceedings, we continued to make major alterations .

21- Iron fittings could replace wooden components gradually, allowing major alterations to take place over a long period.

22- Goldman rejected a request by 20th Century Fox for a re-write that asked for major alterations .

23- Not major alterations , most will tell you, but just some minor tweaking here and there.

24- Jessica made major alterations to the historic mansion, and Leslie unsuccessfully tried to intervene to stop her.

25- major alterations to the buildings would not be required; the existing spaces generally suit the prospective users.

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