1- The patient queried the doctor about alternatives to treatment.

2- Although alternatives are expensive, they may pay off in the long run.

3- And, actually, there are alternatives.

4- I think there are very safe alternatives for low-intensity intervention.'

5- Schools in the U.S. are already responding to the demand from students for alternatives.

6- So here are some solid alternatives.

7- 'There are plenty of alternatives.

8- We have presented a wide variety of alternatives."

9- · Look past your existing customers: "What are the alternatives non-customers choose?

10- A few use gas masks but others sport alternatives.

11- A second report will examine local alternatives to shipping glass containers out of Hawaii for recycling.

12- Airbus has similarly partnered with local producers and airlines to sniff out sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels.

13- Alexander had three possible alternatives to reach Rome.

14- alternatives and nutrition revealed Posted on Thu, Sep 18, 2014 We check the pros and cons of alternative milks.

15- alternatives are, however, fairly widespread.

16- alternatives to EKGs Martins and Harmon argue that there's not an issue with the test, but with training doctors.

17- Anaya said officials were working on a plan to offer alternatives so students can continue their education.

18- And we also learned it in Syria, where there simply were no good options to pick from, only bad and worse alternatives.

19- Any alternatives Athens has come up with so far have been turned down by the Eurogroup as not going far enough.

20- Assad is a horrendously brutal dictator but the alternatives are every bit as bad.

21- Besides developing alternatives, the high cost of fossil fuels encouraged conservation practices.

22- But did you realize that your body digests these "healthy" alternatives in record time, leaving you hungry for more?

23- But he does want people to have alternatives - ones that work.

24- But many across the country are eating it up and to be fair, the alternatives aren't much more promising right now.

25- But now, dissatisfied pay TV customers have more alternatives than ever before.

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