26- But thanks to Scopes, these services are constantly getting my attention in the absence of alternatives.

27- But the question is whether the scheme falls within a range of reasonable alternatives ….

28- But there's a full slate of fall alternatives.

29- Carbon pricing that could discourage use of high-carbon alternatives.

30- Chatterjee suggested waiting to see local data on policies before alternatives like the rewards are considered.

31- Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF, said it is too early to talk about alternatives.

32- Corporate vs. personal cloud About a year ago, I was planning on writing about mobile cloud alternatives for Dropbox.

33- Development alternatives, better known as DAI, remains one of USAID's largest contractors.

34- Discover why dermatologists recommend this wrinkle product over invasive alternatives.

35- Discover why dermatologists recommend this wrinkle reducing regimen over expensive alternatives.

36- Don't take this away until you are convinced there are better alternatives.

37- First base: Nick Swisher is the starter, but Francona has several interesting offensive alternatives.

38- For them, drug treatment, mental health care, intensive rehabilitation and job training are better alternatives.

39- Gold also looks like an attractive hedge at this point and we think it should be added as well as other alternatives.

40- Greece Mulling alternatives to the euro in Greece Time is running out for Greece to find a solution to its debt crisis.

41- He absolutely did have alternatives, Ledgett said.

42- Heather Smith says financial incentives would motivate people to consider energy alternatives.

43- Here are 6 alternatives Apple's next-generation iPhones are set to be the largest ever.

44- Here, six kooky alternatives to generic hotels.

45- How about you find other alternatives like jogging on the spot when it snows or getting an indoor exercise bike.

46- I do, however, think it great that there are alternatives to expensive systems and people who are willing to help.

47- I think the alternatives are not either this bad deal or war.

48- I wish they would offer more tech/trade school alternatives.

49- I would have sought alternatives to fund the budget, such as opening up to foreign investors, said Teriba.

50- If needles are not Dad's thing, Asian massage and bodywork offer great alternatives.

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