51- In 2011, Transportation alternatives published a study on Jay Street between Willoughby and Johnston Streets.

52- In fact they've developed what they believe are superior alternatives: ones that use minuscule bits of glass instead.

53- In response they have designed a range of creative alternatives.

54- In the absence of alternatives to criminality, some fear the old networks will again take control of the north.

55- In the long term, the only way out is a sustained, long-term investment in the alternatives to petroleum.

56- Is it a necessary compromise that's preferable to the alternatives and potentially beneficial for the Middle East?

57- It said it would reveal details of plans for a public consultation on the plans and alternatives sites shortly.

58- It should proffer just such alternatives at every opportunity.

59- JPS says it was undaunted by the financial woes being faced by Abengoa and would be looking at alternatives.

60- Know, too, that there are still other alternatives.

61- Known as a "Queen of the Hill" vote, the process will let lawmakers vote on several budget alternatives.

62- Lastly, why can't Burlington transition away from coal as alternatives become cheaper than coal?

63- Lockheed said Monday it will review alternatives for its IT services unit amid shifts in the cybersecurity market.

64- Members of the defunct WiMedia Alliance, including Texas Instruments (TXN), continue working on alternatives.

65- Members of the defunct WiMedia Alliance, including Texas Instruments (TXN), continue working on alternatives.

66- Mulling alternatives to the euro in Greece Time is running out for Greece to find a solution to its debt crisis.

67- NATO prepared a plan taking various alternatives into account."

68- Neither of these alternatives is necessary if the Legislature keeps its promise.

69- Norm theory: Comparing reality to its alternatives.

70- Of course what Davies hasn't set out in his 344 page report is that there are genuine alternatives to airport expansion.

71- Other alternatives are listed in the Variations section.

72- Other apps that fall under the same umbrella as RunKeeper are Runtastic and Endomondo -- both are great alternatives.

73- Outside of the NT3, you'll also get alternatives like Bluetooth, Spotify Connect and (on the receivers) Apple's AirPlay.

74- Plenty of alternatives can be offered, the question is, who puts them forward and what interests they pursue.

75- Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, and Rep. Yoho, R-Florida, have stepped forward as alternatives to the Ohio Republican.

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