1- This disease destroys the alveoli, and lung tissue.

2- As frequency decreases, there is less attenuation of the pressure wave transmitted to the alveoli.

3- Emphysema Main article: emphysema Lung damage and inflammation of the air sacs ( alveoli ) results in emphysema.

4- Depending on how far along they are, preemies may be born without any alveoli, or important air sacs within their lungs.

5- The diagnosis indicated that the teenager ruptured his pulmonary alveoli by laughing strenuously, and also burst his alveolar artery.

6- The red blood cells also carry carbon dioxide away from the cells and releases it into the alveoli through the alveolor capillaries.

7- Hyphae germinate either within an epithelial cell or within the alveoli.

8- In chronic bronchitis, the air passages into the alveoli, the broncholiotes, become clogged with mucus.

9- The exhalation time (T low ) is shortened to usually less than one second to maintain alveoli inflation.

10- An x-ray that shows ARDS is necessary for diagnosis (fluid in the small air sacs ( alveoli ) in both lungs).

11- The bronchi branch into smaller and smaller passageways until they terminate in tiny air sacs called alveoli.

12- The smallest particles do the most damage, killing macrophages that engulf them in the pulmonary alveoli.

13- Thein alveoli, indicative an acute bronchopneumonia theThe PMN an exudate in the alveoli.

14- Thein alveoli, indicative an acute bronchopneumonia theThe PMN an exudate in the alveoli.

15- Results: ELP had nonspecific symptom usually . Its pathology showed large amounts of foam cells in diseased pulmonary alveoli and interstitial fibro-plastic proliferation were seen .

16- Conclusions Hypoxia can induce increase in pulmonary tissue area density and decrease in aerial exchange area in alveoli.

17- The illustration show the respiratory system and cross - sections of healthy alveoli and alveoli with COPD.

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