1- You can always depend upon her to help.

2- In Japan you can always catch a cab, day or night.

3- I can always count on her because she is responsible.

4- Louise is a consistent player, we can always count on her to have a good game.

5- Golfer Tom Kite once observed that you can always find a distraction if you're looking for one.

6- Kareem's wife is a very sensitive and perceptive person who can always tell how he feels about something.

7- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that you can always find good elements in the misfortune that strikes you.

8- Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once suggested that if all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error.

9- Harry Truman once stated, "You can always amend a big plan, but you can never expand a little one.

10- I don't believe in little plans.

11- I believe in plans big enough to meet a situation which we can't possibly foresee now.

12- "Plus they can always share input on social media or email us direct.

13- When he does something wrong, which is pretty rare, I can always tell.

14- 775280 There are a number of factors that can always impact the market."

15- You can always watch these Why milk, bread and toilet paper when it snows?

16- 328114 If the channel list gets too thin, you can always turn to movie rentals.

17- There is risk in any market investment, and you can always lose money, she says.

18- But if we feel bereft at his passing, we can always join the Dickens Fellowship.

19- Still, you can always make the most of it by convincing others he's still alive.

20- But you can always come up with the right spin on it if you work on it," he said.

21- We can always do better as a government but we are looking forward to that debate."

22- In the meantime, we can always enjoy Smith reliving his glory days as the Fresh Prince.

23- 'I may have to cut back, but I can always find a way to live within my means,' she says.

24- And for an honest look at your feed, you can always just select the "Most Recent" option.

25- Own up and leave, after all he can always return to his first occupation, medical doctor.

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