1- GW has only recently achieved major fundraising success and still has low alumni donation rates.

2- These peer-to-peer lenders will often match alumni with borrowers from the same school.

3- 'It engages soon-to-be alumni in important ways and that engagement can continue after they graduate.'

4- 341 alumni signed in on the pads at the tables.

5- A number of SUT alumni have been active in industry.

6- Affected students and alumni may direct questions to Mohr at (570) 389-4303.

7- And several smaller organizations are helping to encourage civilian and military service alumni to run for office.

8- But few researchers would decry a larger sample size, and alumni bias isn't new.

9- Collectively, alumni at the African Leadership Academy have won $74 million in scholarships at these universities.

10- Corps alumni talk up the program when they return, prompting others here to consider the Peace Corps, too.

11- Discuss issues and career opportunities with alumni.

12- Ekeh reached out to current Yale students and former alumni of his high school who had been accepted to top schools.

13- EMBA students have the opportunity to meet face to face with executives and well-placed alumni.

14- Greg Head, a friend of Rod and Jennifer O'Brien, invited them to an NHL alumni game Thursday night in Calgary.

15- He also performed with the Coleman alumni quartet, Old and New Dreams.

16- He is also tentatively scheduled to dine with alumni afterward.

17- He represents the alumni in our coalition.

18- IHS has over 7,000 alumni in more than 140 countries.

19- In 2011, 16 Yale students and alumni filed a Title IX sexual assault complaint against the university.

20- In the intervening years, alumni giving at Tuck has become even more extensive.

21- It was then that Liu met Wang Xiao, one of the founders of Baidu, at a university alumni party.

22- It wasn't black football players that was really important, it was the green money they represent to the alumni.

23- Lance Parnell, Wildcats head coach, said he's proud of a program that gives such attention to its alumni.

24- Last year's contest was also one-sided and resulted in a shutout victory for the alumni.

25- Levitt told some students and alumni he wanted to turn the school into "an international boutique law school."

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