51- We don't have that connection that, you know, CBU would have or U of T would have, with an alumni magazine and whatnot.

52- While Stanford's alumni base is smaller with more recent BCS success, the Cardinal represented well last year.

53- William Shatner (The Enterprise's Captain Kirk) and fellow Star Trek alumni will gather on the sidelines of Fan Expo.

54- Zell, founder and chairman of private investment firm Equity International, is an alumni of the University of Michigan.

55- David will be recognized alongside other Canadian team alumni on June 8 in Vancouver.

56- This number represented over 50% of all Scotch alumni at the time.

57- Both sites were started and maintained on the sole basis of connecting fellow students and alumni.

58- Thursday night's performance brings an alumni back home for a night.

59- 136-137 Alumni chapters Currently, Phi Delta Theta has over 100 active alumni clubs.

60- 70% of SCA alumni remain active in conservation in their careers or communities.

61- A few of the famous and/or interesting alumni of the chapter: * Ray Kurzweil '70, author, scientist, and futurist.

62- A group of alumni have attempted to register "UNCSA" as a federal trademark to block the change.

63- A number of alumni also attend the event, as well as a guest speaker.

64- A number of alumni have found success in professional sports.

65- Academic librarians administer various levels of service and privilege to faculty, students, alumni and the public.

66- Alumni DMA is a relatively new school and has not yet developed a strong alumni network.

67- Alumni Nazareth has more than 28,500 alumni residing in 49 out of 50 states and 38 countries around the world.

68- Alumni There are over 5,800 alumni of Duquesne Law School practicing in all 50 states and several foreign countries.

69- Alumni USU alumni are employed in different spheres of Russian and world economy/ politics.

70- An active Annual Giving program is supported by better than 50 percent of the alumni.

71- As one walks towards the main entrance, one will realize many things are donated by Granby alumni.

72- As the oldest business school in the UK, its growing alumni network features over 35,000 members.

73- At one point, there were over 165 alumni chapters, some as far away as China.

74- At the dedication ceremony in September 2008, over 700 alumni returned to campus to honor her legacy at the university.

75- At the time of Kenyan Independence in 1963, 10 of the 17 cabinet ministers in Jomo Kenyatta's government were AHS alumni.

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